Wednesday, December 21, 2005


将近一个月没有写东西了。这个月里过得相当忙碌。。去了Sentosachaletmentor camp,庆祝了朋友的生日,和老同学聚了几次,把房间来了个大整修。。。零零碎碎的琐事占据了一大半的时间。。还有就是那一件事情让我把其他的精力都放在了他的身上。。。


参加Student Mentoring Programme 的时候我虽然没有太大的希望能够对这些中学生带来很大的变化,可总也有那一点点期望能跟他们建立一丝的关系。我只能说在这件事上我不是很成功。。但是我会继续加油的。至少在这次的camp 里我对他们其中几人有了较深的了解。当然,交了好几位朋友也是这次camp 的收获之一。

Sentosa 我做了一件很久没做过的事情。夜探鬼屋。。哈哈。。。不知道是不是年纪大了。。竟然没有感觉到那该有的恐惧感。。唉。。。 。。。也有可能是因为我们根本连鬼屋都没看到的关系。。??哈哈!!有两位“小女生”胆子太小了。。哈哈。。再来就是没想到一顿夜宵就把我和另几个“探险家”打入了谷底深渊。。。。To Karen: this part’s especially in English for you…Dun condemn me for Jalan Kayu incident anymore!!! 。。 也发现了我们之中的一位女孩的魅力真是无法挡!呵呵。。

4K 的老同学们!希望我们能够继续这样走下去!很期待过几个月的chalet以及那个“十周年纪念旅行”哈哈。。。再读书的,我们一起加油。。再找工作的,慢慢找,一定找得到的。。在工作的,希望一切顺利!或者。。。早日脱离苦海吧。。哈哈哈!!! 映之心影

过程 映之心影





Sunday, December 04, 2005

真聪明。。。 。。。

Went for a “talk” last night. Turned out to be a celebration of an association’s ….belief. Show’s average but the company’s great… Was inspired to give some thoughts on religious stuff but was seriously advised not to…so… <shrugs>

The past few weeks have been hell for most of NUS students. The exam periods see fellow mature undergraduates “camping” in the various libraries doing the final stretch for their “continuous” hard work culminating into several booklets of paper. Or in some cases, just carbon on a relatively nice piece of orange paper… … I said MOST… yeah… peeps from Eng, Sci and even the “ARTS DISCIPLINE” of Econs will have an inkling of what I’m about to say… … Not representing the entire cohort…especially not Econs… I would say that Arts student have a relatively easier time at exams compared to the rest of the drowning masses… Especially if you have chosen the right modules… Take me for instance. This semester see me having 2 essay exams and 3 MCQ exams…granted 1 of the MCQ isn’t as easy as I thought but on the whole I don’t really feel the pressure of the exams… maybe it’s also because my grades probably won’t qualified me for a honours year… This whole paragraph’s purpose is just to spite those peeps that worked their butts off and glorify those that got great returns because of it. As for those eligible for the former and not the latter… <shrugs>

Kudos to the ingenuity of NUS students… I didn’t buy a textbook that was prescribed to a module and supposedly its ‘good to have’ since its an open book exam….Smiling inwards days before the paper, I thought that I can just borrow the book from RBR and make it an overnight loan. At the most I would just be fined a couple of bucks compared to the staggering cost of that stack of bound paper… Little do I know that this smart alec idea that I had was not so smart after all… tons of people had the same idea. As a result, you see a crowd of people all round the counters in the various libraries. This doesn’t account for my salutation to these fellow alecs.. What comes next does…. 1 alec on the phone…: “…hey my side here the books all taken. The com says your side got someone return already. Help me borrow. I will call XXX to stop waiting at biz library…” Y.T.